Stay in touch with us
How You Can Help
Pray: For the Beja, the field workers, and churches working with them. Join our Prayer team – receive either weekly or monthly prayer requests – see contact info below.
Learn: Several websites can help you learn more about the Beja including Operation World (search Beja) and Joshua Project .
For Children: You can receive a “Junior Beja” page, which includes a memory verse, a prayer, and an activity for the children to complete (such as a word search or other puzzle). You can also incorporate a monthly Sunday School lesson about the Beja.
Give: You can donate via postal mail with a check to either of the following addresses:
Calvary Baptist Church: PO Box 234, Oceanport NJ 07757 (Designate Beja Work on the memo line)
If you would prefer to donate online, please contact or click on this link:
Your donation will go towards Beja work, and you will get a tax receipt. Also, please let us know if you donate, as we will send a thank you. See contact information below:
David or Diane Condron –